Tuesday, January 3, 2017

"OUT OF THE DARKNESS" - A Short Story by Dylan S Le Maire

It would seem that everytime that Dylan sets foot on the floor, or even before that...just laying in bed sound asleep, and somehow he still manages to get himself in trouble.

It's got to be a gift, or a curse, or something. Bewildering but there you have it.

He is always getting himself in trouble.

He is not now nor has he ever been a professional crimefighter, aka sleuth. He just happens to be incredibly unlucky when it comes to steering clear of dead bodies and the like. He says that normally he is a pretty agile human being but we find that kinda hard to believe given his penchant for running across or upon or over the dearly departed.

But then if he did manage to avoid the recently passed, we wouldn't have all this wonderful reading fodder if he didn't, right? What fun would that be?

So what is it THIS time...

There he was, sleeping soundly and peacefully and blissfully unaware...AS USUAL.
he wakes up from a sound sleep cause his ears/instincts tells him something is amiss, but what?
How does he DO that? Hmmm?

Middle of the night in that huge old house he has been restoring for the past couple of years, and what in the heck could be wrong?

Read on and see.
You'll get hooked just as I did.