I got to the restaurant a good fifteen minutes early, on purpose. I guess I wanted a few minutes more to reflect on what it would feel like to see Jeremy again. It had been a couple of years and...

Ok, I LOVE RYAN, no question about that and there for me is NO GOING BACK, and who is to say that Jeremy would even want to. But you just don't forget someone who has meant a whole lot to you and at the time we were the world to each other (as people at that age often me or, I WILL JEST...I'M SERIOUS...DIE), at least I can't. I really never think about him anymore or our 2 1/2 years together...(it has been over nine years after all) but here I am about to sit across the table from him again and what is it going to feel like. Will it be really uncomfortable?

I guess I had mixed feelings for some reason. I didn't even tell Ryan I was going to meet Jeremy today, something I now deeply regret. I am not prone to keeping things from him and don't want to start now and just as I thought that? Jeremy sat down in the booth across from me and I think I detected some nervousness from him too.

Oh good. Mutual dis-ease. How wonderful.

For a moment or twelve neither of us spoke, but rather just sat looking at each other and I suspect neither one of us knew what to say exactly. Then, because I had initiated this meet-up, I went first.

Not going to go down, so to speak, at the top in the annals of recorded history of recorded conversation starters, BUT...
"Hey, Dyl. Nice to see you again."
"Yeh, same here Jeremy."
Call it A for awkward but then I expected it would be.

I noticed we had both refrained from using our pet names for each other from the distant past and that was probably wise.

We side-stepped the reason for the invitation momentarily and went right to the small-talk bullshit. You know, 'whatcha been doing', and 'oh not much, you?' and the like. It always drives me crazy and this was going to be no exception.

THEN, that seemed concluded and again the awkward silence. I fidgeted and he fidgeted and I ahemed and he ahawed and...omg, this is SO not going well.

"So, why the sudden invitation Dyl? Been so long you know."
That suddenly reminded me that Jeremy is a get to the point kind of person just as I am usually not. BUT, so be it.

I cleared my throat (and the entire room turned around) and tried to remember the answer.


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