I hadn't seen Jeremy Ryland for, God...must be a couple years, at least not to talk to. From afar in the supermarket or down the street a couple times but that is it. I had heard he had been spending a lot of time in Chicago but didn't know anything for sure.

But we, yes WE, had been quite the little ITEM back in the day...and then...

Felt weird to be calling him almost as a stranger. I don't know how many times I have heard how nobody could believe we weren't still together, but life is funny that way. After high school, he went to Princeton and I to Harvard...and that was sorta that.

"Boo?" I said when he answered.
"Oh my God, BOO BOO?" he responded to my pet name for him from long ago with his for me.

"How are you tweetie?"
"Good, everything is good."

I was surprised he asked since that had been a sore subject after I, uh, we, uh...

"He is good too. Got time for coffee?"
"With you? Anytime babe."

And that as they say is how it all started...and damn near ended too.


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