I stood at the archway to the kitchen, seeing all the lights on but now also seeing something on the stove that I KNEW hadn't been there before. What the HELL?

Then I saw it...
Or rather...HIM.

I was incredulous.


He turned and looked at me, and a bit sheepishly I thought.
"Uh..hi honey,"
"But, what the hell?"

I stood and all of a sudden the fear and dread of the last half hour or whatever grabbed me and got me in a chokehold...and I felt faint. OH GOOD, Just what this tableau needs. A world-class author FAINTING in his own kitchen, while his husband looks on helplessly, and boy won't that be a great scene in the movie I just knew would be made of...whatever this is.

The next thing I knew I was on the floor and Ryan was cradling me in his arms and crying, sorta.

"Oh honey, I am sorry. I didn't meant to scare you," and blubberings to that effect although the finer nuances were lost on me, my being faintly unconcious and all.

"But, you are in London and so busy studying and too busy to even talk on the phone, and..." I spewed and he held me tighter and kissed me deeply and I fainted again and okay maybe not but...

"Subterfuge as you mystery writers like to call it," he said and I must have looked incredibly incredulous. "I wanted to surprise you," and well he sure as hell did. I'll give him credit for that to be sure.

"Mission accomplished sir, and a job well done and if you wouldn't mind can we get off the floor now?"

He got me up like the gentleman he is and we went to the chairs at the table in the great room and sat.

"So, what?"
"I am done."
"What do you mean, done?"
"School. I am done, honey. I am home. For good."

"Yep. I have done so well this last two semesters that they decided to give me a test which I passed and that was IT. I can finish a couple more courses here if I want and then WE can go back when I graduate."

One-note Sally here.
He grinned and I damn near forgave him for the TERROR he had inflicted.
"But why all the as you put it subterfuge?"
"I wanted tonight to be something special, so I have been trying to make a special breakfast AND a cake."
"A CAKE? You don't even boil water well."
He grinned,
"Yeh I know."

Then I started to giggle and then so did he as he took me in his arms and oh FUCK did he kiss me.



That felt good too. I have missed him SO bad, and I think now he finally realized that and how much and felt kinda bad, but it was too late for feeling bad. He was home now and for good and I for one meant to make the most of it starting right now. CAKE BE DAMNED, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet and to the stairs we went lickety split.


and if you think I am sharing the REST OF THE NIGHT, well I ain't. HAH.



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