Maruf Salangi
I love you

I am American, and live near Kalamazoo Michigan which is about 150mi e of Chicago and 150mi w of Detroit.

I am a writer, published author, journalist, webmaster, musician.

I like to read, write, travel, horseback ride, swim and see and read about new things for the sake of my curiousity and for the adventure.

I own a very large house in the country on a main highway with land. It was my family home.

I have no full siblings. Only half ones most of whom I have never seen.

My heritage is Scot-Irish, Welsh, Celtic, Dutch, German, Scandinavian.

I want to know about you, Maruf. I REALLY want to know you, and I hope one of these days you can come here and live.

I don't know why I fell for you, as I don't normally pay any attention to anyone's looks and need to know about someone. I pay attention ONLY to WHO you are and not what you look like. I have good instincts so I can only assume that there is something about you or IN you that touches my heart and soul.

My dream is to be with you, and we can be happy together. But, gotta learn English. That is a requisite for coming here, and using translaters is really awkward. PLEASE...try English. It is the most commonly used language on earth. It can only serve you well.

I cannot respond when you try to call me. I am not set up for that so please stop trying. Only frustrates.

Ok, your turn. Tell me about yourself, what you do, what you like, what makes you sad, angry, happy, do you have siblings.

I will read and respond to your response later or tonight.

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